Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Funny pictures of Levi

The BeBe pos is supposed to help Levi sit - but for some reason he ends up like this! Someone is MAD!

This is why we call Levi 'Monkey Butt' - If you look close you can see how hairy it is!

We went to Grammy's house for dinner - and forgot the diaper bag - of course Levi has a poop blowout (all over everything) and ends up going home in his first cloth diaper - I'm suprised Grammy let us out of the house like this!

Whats for dinner? Levi stew? (no the stove is not on, yes we were RIGHT next to him, he was only in there long enough to take the picture) - We just thought it was cute how he fit into the pan - he didnt think so!

Levi's cute little butt- This will be good blackmail for his 16th b-day

Levi at 3 months old - apparantly not yet big enough to fit in the diapers the Quay family bought for him! (thank you!)

Levi gets a face full of milk! 3.5 months old here - what a mess!

Levi is driving the car here (dont worry, its not even running) - in Florida over thanksgiving

Cousin Bobby (20) Changing Levi's Diaper - He was worried about getting pee'd on!

Levi with 'no legs' - He was put in his Jumper with a sleep sack on, so his legs couldnt go through the holes! Dec 17, 2007

Levi, fast asleep in his swing - still holding his little bug- Dec 17, 2007

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