Monday, August 25, 2008


Levi is sooo smart! He knows what every thing is - follows directions and can bring me certian objects. He knows where things go, and how things work.
He is learning more signs too - besides milk he does dog, hi, bye, phone, eat, and hot. We are working on even more, he understands but doesnt do them yet.

We went to the duck race and Levi had a great time with the 10,000 ducks they launched!

Saturday, July 26, 2008

What Levi did today (aside from the carseat check)

Said 'ball' (and it actually sounded like ball, he usually says 'doll', he likes those D words!)
Walked 3 steps in the pool
Went underwater in the big pool by himself (he has been blowing bubbles/putting his face in for a couple months now but went alll the way under this time!)
Went down the big slides at the park by himself - I didnt even expect him too, he just crawled over, turned around and slid himself down! Then he did it a bunch more times without my help because he can go up the steps too!

Levi goes to mommy's carseat check

Nai Nai took Levi to mommy's carseat check today! He was really good the whole time, he played in the ice bucket and watched the dog (Red is one of the tech's dog) and said hi to all the other kids.

Mommy checked a lot of carseats!
3 infant seats (one in an olllld cadillac that we switched out for a convertable and got it rock solid even with the squishy seats)
a couple of convertable seats
2 yr old twins in combination seats
2 Truefits (another set of twins, that wernt born yet) - well mommy just helped another tech with those sence those are what Levi has.

We even convinced 3 families to leave their 1+ yr olds rearfacing which is awsome (yay those kids get to stay safer, longer!)

Most common misuse - once again, too loose harnesses, if you can pinch the webbing of the straps at the child's collar bone, its too loose, your fingers should slide. The other thing was those chest clips - they arent belly clips!!!! Armpit level please!

Levi even ate a little bit of a plumb, he has 6 teeth now and is working on a 7th one, so he ate it peel and all with no problems. He was a big help!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Levi Turns 1

Levi Turned 1 on July 13, 2008!

We had a duck theme party for him, because its one of his favorite words (duck and hi!)

Here is a link to some of the pics -

About his carseat -

He is 20lbs now, and 1 yrs old, so he meets the minimum requirment for forward facing in the car BUT we have decided to keep him rearfacing for much much longer, until he reaches the weight limit of his seat.

Rearfacing is A LOT safter than forward facing for young kids, they still have the 'big head, small body' thing going on, and childrens spines dont fuse until the ace of 4-6yrs - this means that they are at much greater risk of head/back/neck injuries if they are facing forward in a carseat.

We have the Compass TrueFit by Learning Curve (purchased from when there was a great sale!)
The great thing about this carseat is that the forward facing minimum weight is 23lbs! That means that parents will have to rearface their children for at least a little bit longer, which I think is great sence there most parents seem so anxious to flip them (most dont do the reasearch and know nothing about extended rearfacing, or they have silly reasons why they want their child to face forward)
The other great thing is that it has a rearfacing limit of 35lbs, it has a removable headrest as well, which makes it fit niceley in the car.
Up until the child is 22lbs, or reaches a line drawn right on the seat, you install it at 45degrees without the headrest. After that, you add the headreast and you can install it a bit more upright (between 30 and 45 degrees, the manual doesnt state this, but Learning Curve has approved this, like most other convertable carseat manufactures).

Beacuse of the tall shell (with headrest on), its much more likley that children will be able to rearface to the full 35lbs - many carseats with shorter shells are outgrown in height before weight.

Saftey is my top priority, so Im happy to have this great carseat which will allow my little Levi to rearface for a loooong time yet.

Here is a link to a thread with lots of information about why its best to rearface your kids as long as you can -

Anyway - Little Levi is sooo big now - he is close to walking, and is doing more and more every day, its so much fun to watch him!

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Levi's favorite word

.... is 'hi'
He says 'hi' all day long! It is so cute!

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Levi's big boy carseat!

Levi got his new carseat this week - He finally has one that isnt pink! (this one is blue and black).
Its called the TrueFit, and he will be able to ride in it rearfacing until he is 35lbs, and forward facing until he is 65lbs, so it will last him a while!
We really like it because it will let him rearface for as long as possible - He is much safer rearfacing, so we dont want to turn him around until we have to!

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Levi going up steps

Now we have to teach him how to go back down!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Levi goes to school at the Y

First day ready to go to the YMCA!

I got a job at the YMCA and Levi comes with me sometimes and stays with daddy sometimes.

There is another baby, Neveyah who is a little older who he plays with, a couple of crazy one year olds and another tiny baby who cries a lot.

He has been doing really well there, although he does get a little mad when another baby is being held. He likes to play in the ball pit and wave at himself in the mirror.

Monday, April 7, 2008

He can Crawl!

The first thing he did was go for the dog food bowl... uh oh.

Levi is crawling now! Slowly still, but he is actually coordinating his hands and knees and able to get across the room - - time for baby proofing!

Thursday, April 3, 2008


So I thought Levi was getting sick on friday - he had a little cough and runny nose. Over the weekend it got worse, and he kept us up for 3 nights crying (something he NEVER does)

Now we figured out whats been going on - He has a tooth! Well not quite, its just broken the gum (on the bottom, left if you are facing him). Now that its working its way out, he isnt nearly as miserable and the cough/runny nose are clearing up and almost gone. It should be comming out soon!

Poor little guy!

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Levi's Pet Rats

March 27, 2008
Daddy got Levi 2 rats free off of Creigslist. They are baby 'Dumbo' rats and turned 4wks old yesterday.
One is grey and one is black... we havent thought of names yet although Levi suggested 'egg', 'pbbbb', 'mmmm', 'ahhh', 'ohhh', 'dada' and 'nada'.

Saturday, March 22, 2008


Levi had his very own pool to hunt for eggs in - he also got some ducks!

Levi got an 'egg' painted on his cheek

Met the Easter Bunny at the egg hunt

Levi helped to dye some eggs (and some diapers)

We took Levi to see the real bunnies at the mall - They were 4-H bunnies - this one looked like Amaretto

St. Patricks Day

Happy St Patricks day Levi!

Valentines day

Purple Diaper for valentines day!

8 moths

8 months old -
Levi can sit for as long as he wants.
He can go from sitting to laying down and laying on his tummy sitting up (by turning to his side and pushing with his hands)
He gets on his knees and pushes backwards - he is trying to crawl and can move around the room by pushing, but hasnt gotten it down yet.
He 'eats' everything still.
He can say 'dada' (and mean it)
At 8.5months he pulled to standing.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Visit from nai nai and je je

He is finnaly sitting up now!!!!!

Nai Nai gives Levi a bath in the kitchen sink up at the Lake

Levi sits up

Feb 17, 2008
Levi sits up for just a few seconds on his own... but he tips over right away!
He loves to be propped in a sitting position so that he can 'see' whats going on better

Valentines day


7 months




6 months


Friday, January 11, 2008

Levi 'Blows Kisses"

Wed, Jan 9, 2008
Levi 'Blows kisses' like mom and dad do - He sort of smaks his lips! its pretty funny to see.

Levi's first night away from mom and dad

Monday Jan 7, 2008 -
Mom and Dad went out to celebrate mommy's b-day so Levi stayed at Grammy's house with Grammy, Auntie Shawn and Tyler.
He was pretty good, even though he missed us - He had fun!
Levi went to bed at 8pm and woke up at 1am and 4am - He didnt really like taking bottles of EBM so he didnt eat much but was still happy.

Friday, January 4, 2008

Mommy's B-day

Levi had a big day on Jan. 3, 2007 because It was his mommy's 22nd B-day!

We were out most of the day and Levi did great even though he didn't get any real naps -

We went to the eye doctor because mommy is going to get Lasik soon! No more pulling off mommy's glasses Levi.
We also went to the arcade at the Grand Sierra - lots of stuff to look at and Auntie Shawn's friend Ty Ty got an alien head for Leigh-Ann.
Then we bought a bunch of stuff at Joann - more craft projects!!!

Dinner was at Grammy's house- Asparagus Risoto, salad, and Ice Cream cake! - - - Grammy is still going to make her milk chocolate cake when she feels better.

Levi's First Christmas

Levi's Christmas presents:
Take a long swing
Some clothes - santa outfit, green outfit, a robe...
Some new toys
Some books
A stocking that Grammy knitted for LEvi - Full of stuff!

Levi's Christmas present to us! :
Levi rolled from back to front for the first time on Christmas day! Bobby and Marcel were the only ones who saw it - but he did it! Good job little guy!

Bobby, Gigi, Marcel and Auntie Ann came for Christmas this year - so there were lots of people. We had the usual Christmas Eve fondue and Christmas brunch and dinner. We had a million cookies which we are still trying to finish eating.
Grammy read stories from The Tall Book of Christmas - Christmas through a Knothole, Granny Glittens and of course, The Night Before Christmas!
Levi even got to ride a sled on Christmas - He thought it was pretty funny.

We all had lots of fun as a family!